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"In the name of Allah most merciful and most benefict."
Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh..
Another year older today. I can't believe I'm 17th years old right now. I have to say the time has passed quickly. There's the baking and gifting and familying and friending. Then, it's my birthday. My birthday. My 17th's birthday. Turning the page over into a new age is always a huge time of reflection for me. But even more so, it's a huge time of action for me.
A lot of changes have happened in my life since my birthday last year. That year of my life was the best yet. I accomplished so many life-long dreams and goals I had set for myself and checked many big things off of my bucket list. I learnt how precious life is. I learnt that only I can know and create the life that fulfills me, serves me, and lifts me higher every single day. So, I continued taking action.
The other night, as I was getting ready for bed, reflecting on a lot of the big changes that are currently taking place and where I am in life right now, I started thinking about change. More specifically, about how much I have changed as a person. It kind of freaked me out for a second.
I looked back at my birthday last year. Just one year. Not too long ago but still a significant amount of time has passed since then. And, well, I realized that everything about me has changed. Everything.
Everything in my entire life has changed. And then I discovered why. It's not that I have changed, necessarily; that somehow I just became a magical new person and knew how to be happy and surround myself with awesome people and go after my dreams and not give a flying you-know-what what anybody else thinks. No.
I found not only the 'changed' but also learnt to know well about me. My soul, my heart, my innate being, the way I live, the way I think, the way I make decisions, and the way I am. Most importantly, I stopped trying to be what I thought I "should" be... Whether by my mom's standards, my "friends" 's standards, my dad's standards, society's standards, etc. and I just WAS. I AM. I can finally be. And by truthfully, authentically, organically BEING, life is constantly this exciting, amazing, captivating gift and puzzle and blast all at the same time.
My 16's year, was the year I learnt to say "no" to others. To do only what was true to myself. To honor my being. To stop pretending. To stop chasing. To stop settling.
My 16's year, was the year I learnt to say "yes" to myself. To give myself the go-ahead. To encourage myself. To 'let go' all the things that make me worried. To 'realize' that everything I want didn't always that everything I need, so I need to let everything go. To go after my dreams like there was no tomorrow.
I think I may always look back at my 16th's but....no. No. Today, May 25th 2014, is the begining... It's my 17th's year. The day it's just the begining to start all over to the new one. It means that every page in my 16th's year has done. Now... I realize that I need to open the new page. I need to forget the wrong that has done and start something new. Start all over new but always be myself, but the way time goes by...now that seems different.
Everything has changed, but except myself.
Today, as I turn another year older, I feel so blessed to be working toward my passion and life purpose, as a life coach. It makes me glow just to say that. I spend my days going to class to do what, to me, is the greatest blessing - learning the tools of deep life transformation. And now, as I reach this birthday, I will be starting yet another new chapter.
I found myself where I am right now in life. Or, maybe I should say that it somehow found me. It was one of those things I've had on my "list" and knew it would come about when the time was right. So, at the end of this exciting birthday month of mine, I'll be making that move and writing another new page in my book.
That will be the beginning of my year that's full of so much potential. I have high hopes and big goals for this year. I'm in different surroundings with different people in a different line of thinking and I'm happy. So happy. And knowing that this happiness is only going to increase as the days continue. Now that's pretty awesome.
-Annisa Miftakhul Janna